Discover the Power of Equine-Assisted Wellness

Connecting Horses and Humans for Wellness and Growth

First of all

About Equi

Immerse yourself in transformative experiences that combine the wisdom of horses with the expertise of mental health and wellness professionals. Our workshops, both just off the Western tip of Montreal, in Rigaud, as well as in the Ottawa region, provide a unique opportunity to gain self-knowledge, enhance relationships, and achieve overall wellness.

In these captivating nature settings, a series of themed workshops have been created, bringing together humans and horses in a unique and transformative experience. These workshops serve as a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, utilizing the exceptional connection between humans and horses. Led by a skilled and experienced mental health psychotherapy professional and a team of equine handlers, participants embark on a journey of self-exploration, uncovering hidden aspects of themselves and addressing any challenges they may be facing. Through the interaction with these majestic creatures, individuals are able to gain valuable insights into their emotions, behaviors, and relationships. The gentle guidance of the therapist and equine professionals provides a safe and nurturing environment for participants to work through their issues and find healing and personal transformation. With the wisdom and intuition of horses, these workshops offer a profound and life-changing experience for all involved.

Watch our video below

Not to mention

Our Approach

Discover the transformative power of equine-assisted therapy and workshops. Our unique approach combines the wisdom of horses with the expertise of mental health professionals to help you gain self-awareness, improve relationships, and enhance overall well-being.

Ecotherapy, a unique approach to healing the human psyche, embraces the power of nature to guide us towards inner transformation. In this enchanting story, horses take center stage as powerful projective tools, aiding individuals in their exploration of the depths of their own minds. These magnificent creatures, in perfect harmony with nature, serve as catalysts for self-discovery and growth. As participants engage with these sentient beings, they embark on a profound journey, uncovering hidden emotions and unlocking their true selves. The connection between human and horse becomes a channel for healing, as the gentle touch of their soft manes and the rhythmic sound of their hooves instill a sense of tranquility and grounding. Through this innovative form of therapy, we find ourselves not only reconnected with nature but also with our own inner selves, discovering a newfound sense of peace and clarity.

And let's not forget

Workshops and Services

Explore our range of workshops and services designed to meet your specific needs. From individual sessions to group workshops, we offer a variety of programs that utilize the powerful connection between horses and humans to facilitate personal growth, emotional healing, and self-discovery. Click below to find out more about each one-day workshop.

Workshop dates and Locations:

Serenity Equestrian
Rigaud, QC
Wesley Clover Parks
Ottawa, ON
  • August 11, 2024

  • August 24, 2024

  • August 31, 2024

  • Sept 8, 2024

  • Sept 14, 2024

  • Sept 22, 2024

  • Sept 28, 2024

  • Oct 6, 2024

  • Oct 12, 2024

  • August 10, 2024

  • Sept 7, 2024

  • Sept 21, 2024

  • Oct 5, 2024

  • Oct 13, 2024

About equi - horses and humans

At equi, we are a dedicated team of equine professionals and mental health and wellness experts. Our workshops, held in Ottawa and Greater Montreal, provide a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to explore their inner selves and overcome challenges. Through the wisdom and intuition of horses, we guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and help you navigate the complexities of life.

Discover Yourself Through the Eyes of a Horse

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